Wednesday, July 29, 2015

VBS 2015

Haidyn had her second year of Vacation Bible School and Eli had his first. St. John's had a week of Camp Discovery! It was a lot of fun,  but a bit tiring since it went from 6-8:30pm. Haidyn was in the Sing-a-Longs group and Eli was in the S'mores. Haidyns project took all week,  they built a stool. Eli has a fun different craft to do each night. And we all learned a bunch of songs! That they still sing.  All. The. Time. Ask them,  they'll sing for you.  :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July

Happy fourth of July! We went to the Osage Iowa parade today and the kids got tons of candy! Besides getting candy, Eli's favorite thing was the karate guys and Haidyns was the marching band and the horses. Last weekend we saw the fireworks at Grandma Weilers in Carpentersville. This year the loud fireworks weren't as scary for the kids.  :)