Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tummy to back!

5 months and 6 days, and Elias rolled from tummy to back! Woo hoo!

Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Months old

Where to begin? Oh yeah, Elias is 5 months old today! Where has the time gone? He slept through the night 5 times in a row right after he turned 4 months, but then he got this cold and then he was up multiple times during the night. We're down to just one around 1-2am but then he's usually up for the day around 5:30am. Ugh, someone talk to this child please!

Both kids are fighting off something. Eli has a cold. I think he's on the mend, but still has mass amounts of boogs and that darn cough. Haidyn had a cold too, but now she's running a fever. Day two. If it's not gone by tomorrow, we're off to the doctor.