Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 1/2 year check up

As usual, Haidyn did fantastic at her doctors appointment. We were in the waiting room and some other child was back in one of the rooms screaming her head off. Haidyn calmly asks, "She doesn't like the doctors?" LOL.
We saw Meredith, she's one of the Nurse Practioners at the office. It was the first time we met her. We liked her a lot. She was amazed at how well Haidyn spoke and her motor skills too. Haidyn was standing between two chairs and pushed herself off the ground and then started swinging her legs. Apparently thats a little advanced for her age. I guess she's finally caught up now. Gross motor skills weren't her strong point for quite some time. She's 37 3/4" tall and 29 lbs 13 oz. That puts her in the 90th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. She said she's going to be tall and lean.
Meredith told me, "Haidyn is not your typical 2 and a half year old. I want to show you 100 rooms with 2 and a half year olds so you understand." Haidyn is pretty laid back and answered her questions and let her do the exam without any fuss. Meredith said she's used to being kicked, slapped, screamed at ... etc.

Potty training has a new plan now. We're not going to talk about it, ask about it or anything for one month. Then we're going to get a basket of new special toys and stickers that can only be used in the bathroom and we'll start all over again. I think a break will really help Haidyn. Wish us luck in a month!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Catching up....

Ok, Ok, I know I've been slacking with the blog. Now I feel bad because my last post was about her 2 year check up and her 2 1/2 year check up is next week. Ooops!

Let's see... what has happened in the last six months?? Well, Haidyn has turned into a little girl. Not sure when that happened, but I think my baby is gone. She can carry on a full conversation and even correct you when you misspeak. Yes, she is just like her father and won't let a mistake slip by without commenting on it.

She started swim lessons last week and absolutely loves it! Well, it's really water orientation, she's not really learning to swim, but she is getting acclimated to the water. She's been telling everyone that she's putting her face in the water and is very proud of it. She hasn't gone under the water, but she did lay back in it and got her hair wet. Which is huge, she hates getting her hair wet, even in just the bath.

She has her own swing set with a playhouse and a slide in her backyard now. She could swing and slide all day if you let her. She had her first haircut this summer.. really, it was more of a trim, but we'll call it a hair cut. :) She's even due for another one now. Too bad she got her mommy's fine hair though. Oh well, she's still little, there's hope for her yet.

Wednesday the 22nd is her 2.5 year get well check up, I'll post the comments that the doctor makes about how super smart she is. :) Of course, we all know how wicked smart she is... but it's nice to hear from people outside the family. :)