Thursday, April 23, 2015


Spring soccer has begun! New coach and new team. Eli got to practice with Haidyns team tonight.  What a great coach!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Rainy day

The day started off nice and we got to spend some time outside,  but then the clouds came in. We were inside for a short time and the kids didn't want the rain to stop them.  I forgot how fun it is to stomp around in puddles!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Today is a beautiful day! We're spending some time outside after church service and egg hunting. Unfortunately,  Paisley got a jump start on the egg hunt while we were at church. Oh well,  still plenty of candy left for everyone.

Bike ride

The kids had their first bike ride of Spring 2015. Little brisk out,  but it was nice to be outside. Figured we better take advantage of clear sidewalks. I'm sure we'll get snow at least once more.