Friday, July 22, 2011

My crazy Haidyn is such a 3 year old girl!

Long gone is my little tomboy. She's a full blown princess now. With dancing shoes and everything. For the past month or so, she HAS to wear socks when she's dancing. I thought it was just because she can spin easier on the wood floor. But I learned something tonight. We bought her a new pair of black dress shoes last night because she had outgrown all her other pairs. Tonight we put on *Surprise!* Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses movie (which we've seen at least 400 times!) and she was so excited she could wear "dance shoes." She told me, "I don't have to pretend my socks are dancing shoes anymore!" What a nut.

Someone sent me a link today on why 3 year olds are worse than 2 year olds. I agree. I think you will too. :)

Haidyn is doing well. Growing like a weed. I swear every time I look at her, she's gotten taller. We're getting ready for preschool. Registration is August 4th and her first day is August 23rd. I think she'll do great and will love it!

I have to make sure I update this blog often in the next couple of months before it turns into Haidyn and (baby brother to be named at some point. Hopefully before we take him home from the hospital).