Who knew time could go by so fast?! She's not my baby anymore. She's definitely her own person. You know what I'm talking about. :) She's smart, funny, beautiful and ABSOLUTELY amazing! She's far too smart for a 4 year old!
We had her party at Pump It Up and I think it was a hit! All of her daycare friends and most of her preschool friends were there to celebrate with her. It was a good time!
She had her 4 year check up at the pediatricians. She's 40.5" tall and 36lbs. And of course the doctor said she's very smart. But we all know that already, don't we? :)
It's only March but somedays it feels like summer. She's anxious to get her own 2 wheel bike. We spend as much time as we can outside, Eli likes being outside too.