Sunday, January 29, 2012

He did it! He did it!

Eli slept through the night! It's 6:45 am and he's still sleeping after going to beef at 8:30 last night. I had a bag of defrosted milk that had to be used last night, so Mike gave him the bottle and put him to bed. Guess what Mike is doing again tonight? :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

4 month checkup

Eli had his 4 month checkup yesterday. He's doing great! 15lbs14oz and 27” long. He's still not sleeping through the night and our doctor wants to start weaning him off nighttime feedings. Wish us luck on that!  He had his first taste of cereal last night too. He ate like a champ!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas... here and gone.

Once again it's been a whole month since I updated this blog. I will get better, I will get better!

Haidyn and Elias went to see Santa. Haidyn was very excited about going. She put on her pretty dress and picked out a bow for her hair.... and then we got there. She wanted NOTHING to do with him! Eli didn't seem to mind at all. He got to sit on Santa's lap. I picked Haidyn up, stood her next to Santa and got out of the way of the camera. Oddly, she actually stood there. Maybe it was the fear that paralyzed her. Whatever, I'm happy that I got a picture of the two of them. :)

Haidyn had her Christmas program at the church. She did great, from what we could see. She was in the first row, so every now and then I could see her if the crowd moved just the right way. She practiced her song, Away in the Manager and it was absolutely beautiful! The program was the PK kids through 2nd Grade.

Christmas is all about love, being together and sharing. And that we did. We managed to get everyone sick with the stomach flu for Christmas. It will certainly be a Christmas we won't forget for awhile. Luckily Haidyn and I got it Christmas Eve, so we were feeling better Christmas day and got to tear into some presents. Haidyn had a ball! I don't think Eli cared to much, but since he's only 3 months old, I'll cut him a little slack. :) We'll see comes to visit us for 2012. :)

Elias is still not sleeping through the night and I've come to terms that it's going to be awhile. If I could just get him to get up only once during the night, I'll take that. But this 2-3 times thing is getting old! He also started at daycare officially now. He'll go 3 days a week. I know he'll be loved and taken care of, but it's still hard to see your baby go. Especially when I'm at home. I wish I could manage having the kids at home with me and still be able to get my work done, but I just don't think it's possible. :(