Thursday, October 27, 2011

A month already?

How is Eli a month (and a week) old already? I can not believe how fast the time is going! I'm not sure we're any better off than we were a month ago. Eli still has no schedule. It's not helping that he's sick. He's got a bad cough and congestion. So that is not helping with the sleeping issues. Normally he's not bad at night. He sleeps in his crib and gets up once or twice to eat. But with this cold, all bets are off. We spent the night on the couch last night. It was a long night. And day time naps are ... well.... pretty much non existent. He will not sleep in his crib, or the swing, or the pack and play. He prefers to be held. Now I like baby snuggles as much as the next person, but I can't hold him all day. :( I do have to keep reminding myself that he is ONLY a month old and I can't expect him to have the perfect schedule yet. I am a little worried that I go back to work in a little over 2 weeks though. Not sure how I'm going to do that yet. Hopefully he'll have a little better schedule by then and I can manage to get some work done.

Eli had his one month appointment on Monday the 24th. Dr. Bedingfield was happy with how he's doing. He's now 10 lbs even and 23" long. He's on the perfect growth curve. He did get one vaccination and didn't do too bad. He did get his cold right after that though which makes me wonder if he picked it up at the doctors office. He goes back at 2 months and gets a whole big round of shots.

Haidyn is doing well. She's at her schools Fall Party today and she got to wear her Princess Ariel costume. She has another costume for trick or treating. She wanted to be a witch, but she couldn't wear that costume to her school. So it worked out that she got the princess costume from Aunt Ellen and Uncle Steve. She'll go trick or treating at Safety Town in Streamwood with Jen and her friends on Friday. We have the schools Fun Fair this Saturday and trick or treating in our neighborhood on Monday. It's going to be a fun weekend! And busy! :)

We got the pictures from Kelsey. AWESOME! I love them all! Here are a couple from the shoot. Do I have the most beautiful children in the world or what?!

Monday, October 10, 2011

October fun

October is here! My favorite month! I love Halloween! Auntie Ellen and Uncle Steve (and cousins) came for a visit. Haidyn got a beautiful Ariel (for those of you who don't know... she's a Disney princess) costume, with the gloves, tiara, wand and even sparkly shoes! So guess what Haidyn is going to be for Halloween? :) We still need to get Eli something. I think it will be a last minute costume that's fit for the weather. Who knows what it will be like on that day.

Eli is one day shy of 3 weeks. Wow! It goes by so fast! He gave me a nice little present last night. Sleep! Yay! He ate at 8pm, I tried putting him down at 8:45, but he ended up wide awake. He hung out with Daddy until almost 10 when I fed him again, but he didn't eat much and crashed. I thought for sure he'd be up in an hour to eat again, but he was down until 2:40. Another feeding and diaper change and he was down at 3:15 and slept again until 7am. Woo hoo! Only one feeding during the night! NICE!

Haidyn is... well, Haidyn. :) She's a great big sister and loves her little brother. It will be great when he's a little older and can actually interact with her.
She's doing fantastic in school. Loves it and is so smart! We originally weren't going to put her in preschool until she was 4, but I think it was a good move getting her started now. She's so smart and observant that the extra educational attention she's getting at school is good for her.
I asked her the other day what she wants to be when she grows up and she told me a builder. Guess she hasn't changed her mind yet on that. But then she told me she wants to be the one holding the sign so the cars stop while they're building something. :) I thought all little girls wanted to be ballerina's or princesses when they grew up?