We had a nice birthday. I got to work from home that day so we were able to spend the day together. We met Daddy for lunch and he snuck Haidyn some french fries. Afterwards we went and got a couple of helium balloons. She's not so sure about those things. All was good until the end of the day when she took a tumble down the back stairs. I took the gate down to let Paisley out and didn't worry about anything because she was in the living room with Mike. Well, she's pretty fast now, but the time I went down the stairs, let Paisley out and turned around, Haidyn had made it from the living room to the back stairs and fell. She got a couple of bumps on the head, but otherwise is doing fine. She even got to have some treats because we felt so bad. She got to eat TWO mini cupcakes and even got some orange juice. She's been cut off from the juice because we're trying to transition her from formula to milk and it's not going so well. I think she'd take another tumble to be allowed to have orange juice again.