Monday, February 16, 2009

First Black Eye (2/16/09)

Haidyn took her first nasty spill. Not sure how she even did it, she was down for a nap, woke up screaming and had a black eye.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just a quick update (2/11/09)

Figured I should do an update on what Haidyn is up to at 11 months. She's so close to walking. She tries to walk first, but after anywhere from 3 to 7 or 8 steps, she falls on her bum and then crawls from there. She's still a happy little girl. Loves to eat, dance and talk. A lot. She's always on the move, but will stop for a second if "good" song comes on. She likes to ride her trike, but her feet don't touch yet so you have to push her. She loves the song "Old McDonald had a Farm." Not sure why, but if she's cranky, it will calm her right down. Can't think of anything else right now, I'm sure I'm forgetting a ton though. I'll update again if I think of anything else.

Mystery tooth (2/11/09)

We noticed tooth number 8 last weekend. She now has four on the top and four on the bottom. Not sure when that last one came though, but I'm glad it was an easy one!

11 Months Old. (2/11/09)