Tuesday, December 16, 2008
4th Tooth (12/16/08)
Haidyn got her 4th tooth yesterday, but it wasn't the one that's been ready to pop for over a week and half. That one is still not through. She also has two bumps for her two front teeth. Not too much longer now.
Friday, December 12, 2008
9 Month appointment (12/11/08)

Haidyn is doing great. Growing just as she should. She's 19.8 lbs and 29" long. Although we think the measurement was off, we don't think she's that long. She got her first flu shot (she goes back in a month for the second one) and got a Hep B shot. She also got her toe pricked to do a blood panel. Everything came back normal. We had a rough night last night, she doesn't do well with the Hep B shot. Hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
She can stand! (12/9/08)

I go into her room and she's standing up in her crib! This is the first time she pulled herself up. She still has a hard time pulling up at a table, I think it's a little high for her yet. But she can pull up and stand at her little step stool. My little girl is growing up so fast!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Her first word? (12/8/08)
Is she speaking now? I'm pretty sure she has said her first word. Hi! I thought she was just making sounds, but she'll waive and say hi, and it comes out really clear, so I think she understands.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Third Tooth (12/5/08)
Her third tooth popped through last night. She now has three right in a row on the bottom. She has one on top that's ready, but hasn't popped yet.
She's crawling really fast now. She can pull up to her knees, but hasn't pulled herself up to standing yet. I don't think it will be much longer though.
She's starting to not like to be fed, she'd much rather feed herself. She's an ooey gooey mess afterwards!
She's crawling really fast now. She can pull up to her knees, but hasn't pulled herself up to standing yet. I don't think it will be much longer though.
She's starting to not like to be fed, she'd much rather feed herself. She's an ooey gooey mess afterwards!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
8 months old

I can't believe she's 8 months old already. She's on the move all the time. She's getting quite good at crawling, she can clear a room pretty quick now. She can't pull herself up yet though. She found that out the hard way. Will (at daycare) had pulled himself up at a table and Haidyn wanted to try it. Unfortunately, she didn't make it and whacked her head pretty good. She's got a big bruise on her forehead. I'm sure it's the first of many to come. She has no fear, she'll try anything.
She's starting to eat a little bit more table food. She loves toast! We tried pasta (elbow noodles) and she wasn't so sure about them. We'll try shells next, I think she'll be able to hold them a little better.
All in all, she's doing great! Growing and changing every day.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
She's on the move! (11/8/08)
Well, it's official. Haidyn can crawl. She's still a little slow, but she's getting better and faster every day. Paisley's bones are her biggest motivator. She'll crawl right to them. And Paisley being the good big sister that she is, likes to leave them right there for Haidyn to grab.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sitting Up (10/27/08)
Jen (from daycare) told me that she went in to get Haidyn after her nap and she was sitting up in the crib! No more laying down for her! Last night she woke up in the middle of the night and I went to check on her and once again, she was sitting up all by herself.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
2nd Tooth (10/26/08)
Haidyn's second tooth popped through today! She now has her two front bottom teeth!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It took 7 months and one day.... (10/12/08)

and now we have a tooth! First one just popped through on the bottom! No more gummy smile from Haidyn!
She's scooting up a storm. She can get pretty far... backwards. She's getting up on her hands and knees and rocking, so not much longer and she'll be crawling. We better start baby proofing soon.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just an update (10/6/08)
Not much new going on. Haidyn is getting bigger and sillier every day though. She's all about moving now. She just can't sit still. Always on the go. Fortunately for us, she can't get around on her own yet. I'm not ready for baby proofing the house. I like the fact that I can put her somewhere, turn around and know she'll be in pretty much the same spot. It's not going to be much longer though! Her silly little personality shows more and more each day. She is so fun! I think she's going to be a mischieveous little girl though. You can just see those little wheels turning in her head when she wants something.
Friday, September 12, 2008
6 Month Check-up (9/11/08)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
First time on a swing (8/31/08) ....

and she loved it! We went to the park today and had such a great time! At least we did on the swing. Haidyn would pull herself up to an almost standing position and look out and smile. I think she was just trying to get a better look at Paisley though. We went down the slide too, but that wasn't as much fun.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
8/14/08 Solid Foods

She tried rice cereal for the first time on Saturday 8/9. She did ok, I think she kept thinking it was going to taste better each time though. She would get all excited and then it would go in her mouth and she'd grimace. Each day is a getting a little better. Next week we get to try oatmeal, maybe she'll like that better.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Making little boys cry...
seems to be something that Haidyn likes to do. I went to pick her up from Jen's house after work yesterday and she and Will (he's 2 weeks younger than Haidyn) were laying on a blanket on the floor. Will was on his tummy playing with a set of plastic "keys" and Haidyn was on her back. She rolled over on her side, ripped the keys right out of Will's hands and rolled back smiling and playing with her new toy. Will broke down in tears. Apparently, Haidyn does this quite often. We're going to have to sit down and have a little talk about this.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Haidyn's first Great Jones County Fair
Haidyn went to her first fair. I think she had a good time, even if the weather wasn't the best. She did a lot of new things this past weekend. She went to her first concert. She saw Boston. She slept through most of it so I don't think she's a big fan. She also had her first sleepover. She got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Schatz overnight. Mom and baby handled it pretty well.
And she got to drink a little water out of a sippy cup. Not too thrilled with it yet, but she's gonna love it once she gets the hang of it!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
4 Month Appointment

Haidyn had her 4 month doctor appointment today. She's doing great! She's 26 inches long and weighs 13 pounds, 15 ounces. That puts her in the 90th percentile for length and 60 percentile for weight. I guess she's still a skinny minny still, even though she looks like a chunk-a-lunk now. She did great with her shots! She let out two little cries after her third shot and then stopped. Doc says we can start some cereal if she needs it, otherwise to hold off until 6 months. So far she's ok, so we'll just wait and see.
**Newest Milestone** She's starting to giggle! She hasn't flat out laughed yet, but she'll let a couple of giggles loose when the puppy licks her feet or you give her a raspberry on her belly. I can't wait until she really laughs!
**Newest Sound** She's found that she can make noises when she breathes in. The bad part about that is that it sounds like she can't breathe. Scares the bejeezus out of me when she first starts with it!
Friday, June 27, 2008
6/26/08 Rolling Over!
Haidyn rolled over! Tummy to back! She was on the couch which has a little bit of a decline, so she cheated a little bit, but I don't care, I'm still calling it her first roll! Very Exciting!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
6/6/08 - A week of daycare
Haidyn has made it through a week of daycare, or what we call "school." She seems to have adjusted very well. She smiles at all the kids and even talks to her best friend Gabbi (she's 3). She's sleeping all the way through the night and I've had to wake her up the last couple of mornings to get her ready. Not sure if she's just getting tired out from all the activity at daycare or if she's just hitting a growth spurt and needs the extra rest. We're going to put her to bed earlier at night and see how that works out for her.
Monday, June 2, 2008
6/2/08 - First full day of daycare
Monday, May 26, 2008
Haidyn had her second trip across state lines this past weekend. We went to visit her Aunt Julie this weekend in Minnesota. She did great in the car, slept most of the time. She gets a little cranky from all the travelling, but was pretty good for the most part. She also went to her first baby shower! Her Auntie Joy will have a little daughter in August. We've already set up a play date next summer for them.
Monday, May 19, 2008
5/19/08 - 2 month checkup

Haidyn had her 2 month doctor's appointment today. She's 23 1/2 inches long and 11 lbs 1 oz. That puts her in the 90th percentile for length and 50th percentile for weight. So she's still long and skinny. The doctor said she'll probably eat more than the average baby since she's so long. So that explains why she's a little piglet and likes to eat all the time. She got her first round of immunizations today. She cried when she first got the shots, but then went to sleep in the next few minutes. The doctor also said never to leave her alone on a bed or anything, the way she's moving... she's going to roll any day now! We also have to do some neck exercises with her. She likes to turn her head to the right, but not the left. The exercises will help her from getting stiff. Otherwise she's doing great and she's not due for her next appointment until she's 4 months.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Haidyn had her first trip across state lines this past weekend. We went to visit her Great-Grandma Schatz in Monticello, IA. She did really well in the car. She slept most of the way (it's a 3 hour trip). She was a bit cranky over the weekend though. I don't think she likes her routine changed too much. It was still a nice visit though.
Can't believe she's two months old already! I only have 3 more weeks and I have to go back to work. I really like our daycare person, but it's still going to be very hard to leave her every morning.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All is well with Haidyn. She got baptized last weekend. She was really good. Gave a big pout when the pastor poured water on her head, but otherwise took it like a big girl! Speaking of big girl.. she's getting so long! Still has a skinny little butt, so it's hard to fit her in clothes. 3 month is still huge on her, but the newborn clothes are getting too short. We're going to visit Great-Grandma Schatz this weekend. I'll post pics as soon as I can.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008

Haidyn will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. She's doing very well. She's mostly a very happy baby. I think she's having a growth spurt because she's been a little cranky the last couple days and all she wants to do is eat. She had her one month check-up last week. She weighs 9 pounds now. She's still in newborn clothes and diapers though. She has a skinny little butt.
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